Antique Banana is a hobby and fun store for those who like to hount interesting collectibles. Our main collection is the beautiful and unique agate/stone that came from Gob desert. In fact they are hard to find anywhere except in few places in China and Mongolia. After we spend more than 10 years to get to know and collect the diverse of Gobi agate/stone specimens, we decided to offer some of them in this platform to spread its charm and fascination. We have also establish reliable and ethical sources for any one who are searching for specific or larger quantity of Gobi agates. As you browse our shop, you will find there is a wide variety of Gobi agates, including sugar heart agate, old skin stone, jinmai agate, eye agate/stone and Xinjiang agate etc. All of them are products of volcano's eruptions in Gobi area and naturally polished by the strong winds with sands during 150-200 millions of years. So, why not have a look and enjoy their stunning beauty. We sincerely wish you all a good time in our shop, and please feel free to contact us if you need any further information about our collections.